A Little Anti-Valentines Day Cynicism
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
A little Anti-Valentines Day Cyincism Valentines Day…………….okay so where to start? I was really hoping that I'd be able to find this article that I wrote for the school newspaper back in the day, don't be alarmed I'm actually a very good writer. Unfortunately that didn't seem to be a possibility. However, I really just felt the need to rant a bit today. So here goes. I'm going to warn you now, if you love or even like Valentine's Day….QUIT READING NOW!! You see I personally feel that this day is nothing more than a Hallmark Holiday…designed to make the people that are alone feel, well just that, even more alone. You see today is supposed to be all about Love, and not just with that "special" someone……although that's what it has turned into. Everywhere you look you see Valentine's Day specials on meals, his and hers crap, and so many more things it isn't even funny. One of the saddest parts to me at least is how it affects kids in school…..in grade school you all share the silly little valentines cards, but what about the kids, that little boy or girl, that get absolutely nothing. Not a single one. What if the teacher doesn't participate? Then that poor child is left with nothing, while the rest of the damn class is just buzzing with excitement at all their loot. I mean yes of course if they have a party and the parents bring in goodies then they will get something, but the question is…..what does that teach the child??? Not only that what about once you get into Jr High and High school? Then it really begins….that's when you can buy the chocolate or roses from the different organizations that sponsor the teams and cheerleaders and such. And then they are delivered to the classes…..in front of everyone. You see everyone gets at least one right? Wrong…I can honestly say that I hated this time of year, because while yes I always seemed to get something, whether from a friend or a bf, I hated seeing those poor souls that got nothing. I just hated it….and then it happened, one year I got nothing, And even more than before I hated today…….and yet that's not the only reasons why……You would think that if today was truly all about love then there would be so many different ways of expressing it. I would love to have someone write me a poem, or to sing me a song, or hell I'll even go for the cooking me supper. What I don't understand however is how we as women mostly can expect men to fork over all this money to buy us flowers, candy, balloons, chocolates, lingerie, clothes, jewelry and etc. I mean really what right do we have???? I don't see many women that are willing to go out and pay loads of many on any of that for their men. So why should they have to for us????? I sometimes wonder if it's a complete lack of understanding of the amount of money that we expect a man to spend! So here goes ladies….a small break down of what we expect of our men: One Dozen Long Stem Red Roses……………………………….................................................…..$81.00 Short Stemmed Roses are a LITTLE cheaper……………………………….....................................$45.00 One box of Godiva Chocolates………………………………............................................................$29.00 Teddy Bears are anywhere from………………………………..............................................$10.00-$30.00 And of course let's not forget the crazy balloons!!…………………………..........................$10.00-$50.00 Okay now if we add this stuff up and I'm talking using all the low end prices then we come up with a grand total of………………………….AT LEAST $100.00!!!!! And that is the cheap flowers, cheap bear, and cheap balloons!! Think about it……………………I know that there are a million other things that I could do with $100.00 that is going to last a whole lot longer to boot!!!! I mean really…….sometimes it seems like all the major holidays are being taken over by commercialism. The sad thing is that it not only affects Valentines Day but others. Let's say Christmas….it's supposed to be about the birth of Jesus….however it's turned into one of the biggest shopping periods of the year. What with all the gifts that are given. I often think that many of today's kids don't even know the true meaning of Christmas. Ever notice how some people completely take Christ out of it? Instead of Christmas it becomes X-mas?!?!?! Okay let's get back to the point at hand…………why do we make such a big freaking deal out of today??? I mean I try to make sure that I tell everyone of my friends and family that I love them today and I even buy small cards and hand out…..but why all the big extravagant gifts? Does it make you feel anymore loved than the cookies that your co-worker makes and brings in? What about the card that your child made JUST FOR YOU at school? All I ask is that you actually think about it………Think about why this damn day is SO important……And yes I know what you are thinking…..this is just the cynical ramblings of someone with no Valentine……BUT you'd be wrong……………….This is the cynical ramblings of someone who just wonders about things a little to much..lol |