Current mood: confused
Category: Life
Everytime you touch me
My body tingles....
My heart races.....
My head spins.......
When you look at me....I just melt
I look into your eyes and it's like a wave of comfort washes over me.
It's stupid to feel this way I know
You make me smile this stupid little smile
To like like a silly school girl
To forget if even for a moment that I was sad....with just a smile
You came into my life out of nowhere.....
Now....Well now I can't imagine you not being in it.... got through all of my walls....
Through every defense....
Sometimes I feel like you know what I'm gong to say before I do
My friends...they don't even know me like you.....
You've gotten through all the roadblocks I've put up....
Every objection I have've overcome.....
I don't feel like I have to be in control with you...
I feel like I can actually let go.....
Like I can just be..
You've forced me to deal with emotions I've stuffed for years
Things I haven't wanted to feel....
I haven't wanted to deal with...
Yea i am dealing with them....and it's been easy with you
Finally...I feel like I can just be...........Me.